Thursday, June 30, 2011

Infinite Undiscovery: Clay's 45 minutes of PAIN

Ok now that I have some time to sit down and write, I am gonna do a quick little "review" of Infinite Undiscovery"

Lets call this "Clay's 45 minutes of PAIN with Infinite Undiscovery, the RPG with the SILLY NAME"

I am not going to put any spoiler stuff here because, frankly, its the first 45 minutes of the game.  So you start off with a really badass cutscene with no voices, just music, set against the backdrop of this giant city with this huge thing in the middle with chains everywhere.  Pretty cool.

Then we start the game, and we meet our main character Cappel, aka Cappel the Soother.  IE I hate violence and am a self proclaimed pussy.  Fantastic.  At least he sticks to his morals though...sorta.  Cappel is in jail because everyone thinks he is some super warrior named Sigmund.

After the guard smacks Cappel cause he asked for some food and water (Wow, mean guards), a girl drops in from a vent in the ceiling, knifes the guard and breaks Cappel out.  Why?  Because she thinks he is Sigmund!  See a running gag?  I DO!  The girl basically tries to force Cappel out constantly calling him My Lord Sigmund till Cappel finally gets a word in and says that he is not Sigmund.

The girl then decides to rescue Cappel anyway!  But Cappel tells her he doesn't want to escape, because he wants to avoid trouble and violence.  Ok, I get that.  She then FORCES him to escape, and ends up getting knocked out and leaving me as Cappel to fight 2 guards.

Fantastic I think!  I get to see how these guys did their battle system...

Wait...its real time?

WAIT...its an ACTION RPG!?

WTF this is not what I thought and nothing I looked at in regards to this game mentioned this!  0_o

Ok fine, I can deal with this...and then Cappel starts calling out the special attacks.  Sweet god he sounds gay.
So I kill the 2 guards somehow (SPAM A SPAM A) she joins my party and I get the MENU command.

I go out and start fighting my way out of the jail, and I learn a couple of things:
1) I have almost no control over my party members.  What little control I have has to do with doing this thing called "Connecting" which allows me to tell them to do 1 of 2 things.  You learn this by being told to have Maya (the girl) use one of her bow attacks to blow up an Exploding Barrel (Yup, its an Action RPG yay).  However, I learned LATER during a very important scene that this is an issue.

2) The game does not pause while in the menu system.  If I am trying to use a healing item and I am being attacked, its not gonna stop I am gonna keep being hit.  Yay?

3) I cannot access magic that my party has.  Maya has a healing spell.  I cannot use it, I cannot ask her to use it.  I basically am at her mercy as to when she decides to heal or not.

So I start working my way out.  I hit a staircase and enter a chase scene basically where I run up a staircase being chased by an ogre.  NOW We run into problems.  Firstly, if I am struck while in "Connect" mode the connection breaks, meaning I have to re-enable it.  But if I am hit again (or if Maya is hit) it breaks AGAIN.  Which means I cannot command her to shoot the barrels.

And yes, there are barricades and barrels on my way up the stairs.  However the barrels are guarded by archers.
Who Shoot me
Breaking the Connect
Meaning I cannot shoot the barrels.

This means I gotta get up close with Cappel and fight em, which isnt BAD, but god help me if I hit that barrel with my sword I am dead, cause it does enough damage to instanta kill me

Nevermind I am playing this on EASY.  God help me.  Oh, and every time I outrun the Ogre, he just jumps up the stairs and catches up.  WHATS THE POINT?!  ARG  I cant hurt him, slow him down, anything.  He literally just follows me beating the shit outta me >.>

So eventually I make it to the top of the stairs, Maya having died.  I am treated to a cutscene, and am told to shoot the barrels when the ogre is near em.  Ok thats fine...oh wait now I can't AIM THE SHOT WITH MAYA ALL OF A SUDDEN WTF!  The aim locks and I cannot move her shot.  Ogre catches up, and kills me.

I start the chase again.

Die before I reach the top due to a barrel, and being constantly shot (still having issues with the menu and the game not pausing too.  Healing Potions are USELESS in combat)

3rd time is the charm and I manage to hit a barrel knocking the ogre away and getting a key.

I get out into a dark forest and am told to use Stealth (ie move REALLY slow in the shadows) to surprise dudes.  I do it once, say fuck it, and just go balls out.

Its not so bad here.  The combat is kinda fun now that I am not being chased.  But apparently if I am in the dark my mini map and map fuzz out so I cannot see em >.>  Bloody god!

I get so far in and the OGRE SHOWS UP GOD DAMNIT!  Again he chases me, again I cannot out run him, and again I cannot HARM HIM!


Finally make it out, get saved by Sigmund and friends.  Sure enough he looks just like Cappel.

Cept for the Armor
And the Cape.

Yea, Cappel looks like him in the FACE.  How could you mix the two up.  THEY DONT EVEN SOUND ALIKE!  Cappel is high pitched, Sigmund has a deep voice.  SERIOUSLY.

We go to camp, and I save.

I am not even sure if I am going to boot the game up again.  SERIOUSLY.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Quick Update:

I know I have not been updating since the site started, I know I know!  I have a reason though!

That reason is Minecraft.

Yea it kinda sucked me in >.>

ANYWAY!  I am going to start devoting more of this websites reviews on Indie RPGs, mostly made with RPG Maker or various game making engines.  There are quite a few good ones that are freely available, and I intend to sift through them FOR you.

So keep an eye out, new reviews will be coming.  I mean, when I lose my job come August (our office is shutting down) I am gonna have plenty of time to review >.>

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Dragon Age 2 (PC / 360 / PS3)

So last night I finished Dragon Age 2, on the PC. I figured this would be as good a game as any to review, and considering it came out roughly 2 weeks ago this is also something relevant! GASP! Now a quick warning. This review will contain SPOILERS! Lots of them. If you want to play this game spoiler free, then I advise you ignore this review. Unfortunately, to talk about some of the good and bad points of the game I have to talk about the plot, and that will contain, well, spoilers!

You have been warned.

Dragon Age 2 is a game by Bioware, and is the sequal in a sense to their other games Dragon Age Origins and Dragon Age Awakenings. Now, I have played Origins but not Awakenings, so a few things that occured in that game which do effect this game (Anders, for an example) were unknown or new to me.

You are Hawke (first name doesnt really matter, no one uses it) a man who is apparently the Champion of Kirkwall. This comes out during the opening cutscene, where Varric is talking to a Seeker of the Chantry.

Apparently something happened, the world is now on the brink of war, and the Champion (YOU) had someting to do with this. Thus, the Seeker brought in Varric, a companion who was with the Champion during all the insanity, and demands to know his story. So Varric tells her.

The game plays out in 3 acts, each Act having a main focus or goal, and there is a introduction as well. The primary story of the game is basically just Hawkes life in Kirkwall, and the things he does to help the city.

I am not really explaining this well, so lets go over the gameplay while I collect my thoughts.

The gameplay and controls are slighty different between console versions and PC versions. For the consoles, the primary gameplay mode (Combat) is handled in a way very similar to a hack and slash game, like God of War. You use the shoulder buttons to bring up small hotkey menus where you can find your spells or abilities. You then press the correct key to use a power. Otherwise you are spamming one key to attack. The PC controls are more like an MMO. You right click to run up and autoattack (but there are some annoyances to this) and you have a large hot bar where you can put numerous attacks, correspondering to the 1-0 keys on your keyboard and beyond.

The problem I had on the PC is this. When you are in melee some of your attacks knock your opponents back. Its pretty badass looking honestly. HOWEVER, your character will NOT follow up on them. If you run in with your warrior and hit a guy, and he goes flying off, you will stand there like an idiot not chasing him. I discovered MUCH later that if you press the R key you will chase him until you knock him back again, but its damn annoying and completely breaks the flow of combat. I ended up starting over as a Mage to avoid this as Mages do things at Range or in Melee.

Combat feels very satisfying beyond that, but sometimes gets a little silly. In alot of fights enemies will come at you in waves, and where they come from is downright bizarre. Suddenly from the rooftops some TEMPLARS will drop in, like Ninjas in platemail. It happens frequently and is just...strange. Also, eventually I got so many AOE attacks that enemies just could not stand against me. The only challenges were the MMO Styled Boss Fights. In fact, alot of the game felt very MMOish, but not in a bad way. I grasped the game right away, and if you have any experience with an MMO you should be fine. Also combat is INSANELY Bloody. Lots of Gibs flying around, blood spraying EVERYWHERE, and your characters do stay bloody after fights. Its very visceral.

Your Party AI for the most part is fine, and they brought in the Tactics system that was in Origins. Your party members can be set to follow specific instructions based on a predetermined style (controller, healer, defender, ect) or you can tailor their abilities. SImply putting at the top of the tactics the following line (HP < 50% then use Healing Potion) makes fights MUCH easier to handle. I used the tactics system myself to tailor my chosen party to do exactly what I wanted. Advancing your character is simple to. They use a talent tree system (another MMO thing!) where you unlock powers by spending points in it. Here is an example of the Warrior Trees:

Examples of Talent Trees

The problem I had here was alot of talents felt...pointless in the melee classes. Even with my companions, who have specific trees based on their abilities (Varric for example is a ranged rogue, so no melee trees), felt like I ran out of things to spend points on. Also, you gain access to 3 specializations at level 7, and your companions get access to their unique companion tree at that level.

The final part of the gameplay are the quests. You have Primary, Secondary, Companion, and Side Quests. Secondary Quests are like minor storylines, the Primary Quests are what move the main Chapter arcs along, Companion quests are things that advance your party members plot arcs, and Side Quests are little one shot things. For the most part, the quests are varied and interesting...but you run into yet ANOTHER problem here.

This place is used at least 3 times
Repeatative areas. I mean just more then spending your time in the same place (which you do by the way. Kirkwall is the primary hub AND Questing zone in the game) but the maps dungeons use are completely reused NUMEROUS times. I mean insanely reused, and the worst part is that the game doesnt even hide the fact in the minimap or map. You will end up seeing the same cave system at least 20 times. To make things different thought the game locks off different parts of the map depending on the quest. Does this help? No. In fact in some cases it makes things confusing if you are a person like me, who explores every nook and cranny. I will think I can go out one exit, head that way, and find myself at a dead end DESPITE the map saying otherwise. To the left is an example, albiet a small one. This little mountain pass is used 3 times by my count. Its the least of the offenders in the repeating

And lets not forget the bugs. I missed the ending cinematics thanks to the images suddenly going apeshit last night. Before that, I had to reload my game because I could no longer target anything. There is a quest that is literally uncompletable in the Third Act (a side mission called "Who needs Rescuing!") and there was another quest that, even if you finish it, it stays in your log as if you had not. Those are the ones I ran into. There are numerous others.

Finally, and probably the worst part of the game sadly, is the plot.

To put this in perspective, before I get into this: I had more fun completeing side missions and companion stuff then I did completeing the main plot arcs. I am going to just break this down by Chapter, to make things easier.


Prologue / Tutorial Level:

You start off in a fight against a bunch of Darkspawn, and then a dragon swoops in. Then you find out that was a joke (it was just a tutorial) and the game starts. You find out that you are on the run from the Darkspawn when they attack Lothering (in Dragon Age Origins) with your Mother, Brother, and Sister. You meet Aveline while on the run, fight some Darkspawn, get rescued by Flemeth, and end up in Kirkwall.

YOu then have to whore yourself out for a year thanks to your uncle to get into the city, and can choose to help either a Mercenary Band or a Smugglers Ring. Here is where my first complaint comes up.

No matter which side you choose, you do one quest inside the Gallows, and then the game advances a year and starts Act 1. You never really find out what you did during that year other then make a name for yourself, and other then some dialog changes and a side quest, this choice has little meaning. In fact that is a prevelent point in the game that I noticed. You only have an illusion of choice for most of the game. Things happen whether you want them to or not, you just change how people view you slightly.

I finished this section in about 2 hours.

Act 1: The Deeproads:

This act starts with you and whichever sibling didnt die in the prologue arguing with a dwarf who is planning an Expidition to the Deep Roads. You see, while you were being a jobwhore, the Hero of Fereldan defeated the blight (IE you did stuff in Origins here as another dude), and now that you have made a bit of a name for yourself, you are trying to get your family out of the slums. After the dwarf turns you down, you meet his brother Varric after your pocket is picked.

Varric then proceeds to suggest that you join him, and with his help raise 50 gold pieces to become a full partner in the expidition.

How are you to accomplish this? Considering you have next to no money at the start? By doing jobs for people! Thats right, its time to side quest! Most of Act 1 is made up of recruiting party members (one can actually be missed entirely) and doing side missions for people. A few plot arcs start here as well (blood mages for one).

Now, granted, I had alot of fun doing most of the side missions, but really it was just a way to stretch the act out. In the end, after you get your 50 gold and make friends with Anders the Psycho mage (and thus getting his Deep Roads Map) you can go into the Deep Roads. YOu have the option of taking your sibling with you or not, but it doesnt matter. Regardless of what you do they leave at the start of Act 2. It just changes how they treat you.

Once in the Deep Roads you fight through a couple of Hallways (yes, Hallways) to find a bizarre Thaig (Dwarven Ruin). Its actually really cool looking.

You fight some more stuff, find a Lyrium Idol, and Varrics brother betrays the party and locks then in a room, leaving them for dead. You then walk through some more hallways, fight a giant Rock Wraith who felt very much like an MMO Boss (hide behind pillars lest you get blasted by magic rock missles! Oh and kill the adds) and then you escape with a shit ton of treasure.

Congrats! You have made it out of the Slums, and into Hightown! Guess what? You are still gonna be a glorified errand boy!

I finished this act in about 10 hours, so total playtime at this point was about 12 and a half.

Act 2: The Qunari Problem:

Act 2 deals mostly with the threat of the Qunari, who have a "boogeyman" presence in Act 1 (ie you never see em save for 1 quest). 3 years have passed since your adventure in the Deep Roads. You have become a known explorer, but not super respected. You have your old home back (your family apparently was noble) so you have a nice home base like all your companions.

Oh I forgot to mention that. The only time you can actually talk to your companions is when you go to their homes, and they will ONLY talk to you if they have a mission for you. Otherwise, you get a single line of text.

Anyway, you spend most of this section doing more side quests and trying to solve both a serial murder mystery involving blood magic along with dealing with the Qunari issue. In the end though the Qunari decide to attack Kirkwall, and you have to save the town.

Now mind you, I am still having fun at this point. No major bugs, the companion quests are still my favorite part, and the Qunari actually seem badass. You also get some revenge on Bartrand (Varrics Bro) during this part if you are friends with Varric. Oh yea almost forgot this. Your choices in dialog can effect your parties approval of you via a Friendship / Rivalry bar. From what I understand as long as you push it to one side or the other they are fine, it just means they like you and support you or want to be better then you.

This act is also where most of the Romance options can REALLY begin. I do have a problem with the romance options as well. Its simply this: WHY IS EVERYONE BISEXUAL! Seriously. Every option can be romanced by a male or female, and in the case of Anders he tries to activly get in your pants. It kind of grossed me out as a guy when I have another guy hitting on me when I am trying to just be friends. Now don't get me wrong, I have no problem with gay / bisexual stuff, but it seems odd to me that EVERYONE in the game it seems would swing both ways. Seriously, just doesn't seem right. The characters in Origins didn't do that.

Anyway, you end up confronting the Arishok in the final battle, and you have the option of fighting him one on one. NOTE: if you do this as a mage like I did, be prepared to run alot. The Arishok hits like a tank.

Yay! You have saved the town...OR HAVE YOU!?

This act took me all of 6 hours to complete. Total time at this point: 18 hours

Act 3: The Finale!

The final act is the shortest of all of them, and this is where I ran into bugs. I also ran into a few time waster quests that did nothing but serve to level me up (find a bunch of missing Qunari swords). In fact: If I had not done anything BUT the primary plot quests in this act I could have been done within 2 hours of starting it.

Anyway this act starts 3 years after the Qunari events. You have spent 7 years in Kirkwall at this point, and after the Qunari incident you were named CHAMPION OF KIRKWALL! Now people respect you, fear you, admire you, and generally worship you. Well, everyone but Meredith. Meredith is the psycho leader of the Templars in Kirkwall, and she is opposite Orosini, the head of the Circle of Magi in Kirkwall.

This act focuses on the tensions between the 2 groups, and eventually you must pick a side. This is what made me stop liking the game. No matter what path I took, no matter what choices I made, the finale would play out roughly the same. All events leading up to the finale can in fact be ignored.

You see, Meredith believes that ALL Mages used Blood Magic (demonic magics). My character was a Mage, and an Apostate (unregistered mage) but Meredith could not touch me now because of my Status. So I of course, decide to side with the mages to help prove otherwise.

Of course this plan is ruined with Anders BLOWS UP THE FUCKING CHANTRY! Thats right, one of my own party members does a terrorist action and starts a bloody war. It pissed me off so much. Worst was the fact that you are tricked into HELPING HIM in Act 2. He claims he is trying to remove the demon he has living in him from himself, but instead is just building a super bomb.

So then I end up siding with the Mages anyway to defend the people who are being wrongly accused of practicing Blood Magic. But hey, guess what happens? OROSINI PROVES THE BITCH MEREDITH RIGHT AND USES BLOOD MAGIC IN THE END! I about Facepalmed at this point. Not only does his use Blood Magic, but he uses the same kind that the Serial Killer who KILLS YOUR MOTHER IN ACT 2 uses, and creates a horrible Corpse Monstrosity around himself. You then are forced to kill him and believe me that was satisfying as all hell, especially when I curb stomped his ass. A bug occured here were the cutscene played twice in a row as well, which was annoying.

So after you first defend the mages and then are betrayed by them (fuckers) you then try to escape. Only to be confronted by Meredith and the Templars. She demands that the Templars kill me, they refuse and then SHE GOES APESHIT! Granted, part of her issue is that Bartrand (Varrics brother) sold her the idol he found in the Deep Roads, which apparently has the side effect of making people BATSHIT INSANE. Guess its that pure lyrium.

So then you fight in another MMO type fight. You fight her for a while, she runs away and summons adds, kill adds, she reappears, leaves, fight adds, comes back and fight her PLUS respawning adds.

After that, you discover that the Champion has left Kirkwall with his love interest, and Varric is the only person the Chantry could find. Apparently after that the Templars and the Mages of the world are now in a full blown war, and the Chantry believes that only the Champion, who was there when it all started, can stop it.

Total Playtime: 22 hours.

Thus ends Dragon Age 2. Of course I couldnt SEE this ending due to a graphical bug, but at least I could hear the damn thing.

Overall the game was...decent. Part of the issues above stem from the development time, which was roughly 8 Months. Bioware was basically forced to rush this game thanks to EA and thus it is no where NEAR as polished as it should be. 22 hours to beat this game (and EVERY side quest I could find) is a joke, especially at a $60 price point.

Would I recommend this game? Only in the following cases:

The game drops in price, down to about $30. And even then, only if you are a diehard RPG Fan or Dragon Age Fan. Also make sure that you wait for some patches. Otherwise? Steer clear, its not worth the price as it stands.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Persona 4: Review (PS2)

Persona 4 is a JRPG made by Atlus games. There I reviewed it! Just kidding. Its hard to really describe Persona 4 without giving away much of the plot, but I am going to do my best here. Persona 4 is the 4th (really?!) in a series of games created by Atlus games. It is a JRPG, but its nothing like the ones you have most likely heard about (The Final Fantasy series, for example)

In Persona 4, you take on the role of a nameless highschool student from the city, who is coming to the town of Inaba to live with your uncle Dojima and cousin Nanako. You are of course a silent protaginist, and you get to name yourself. Once you arrive, you get setup, and start going to school

Thats right, part of the gameplay is going to school. Let me finish explaining the premise before you go running off.

After a few days of school you make a couple of friends (Chie, Yosuke, and Yukiko) and one day on the way home you come across the scene of a bizarre murder. Your uncle happens to be a detective and is working the case. The murder scene is freaky, as the person in question is a TV Personality, and she is found hanging from a Telephone pole, nearly naked, and without any visable wounds.

Now, during this time at School you hear a rumor about a "Midnight Channel", which apparently is something that occurs when you watch your TV alone, at Midnight, when its raining. If you do this, you will see your one true love. You decide to try it one night, and you in fact do see someone appear. They appear to be writhing in agony, but you cannot tell who it is.

You reach out to them, and your hand goes through your TV as if it were water. You of course tell your friends and they think you are crazy.

Two days later, another victim is found, this time hanging from a TV Antenna. It is the body of the girl who found the first victim. From there, things spiral out of control as you and your friends try to solve this mystery and discover who is behind these killings, and the myster of the Midnight Channel.

This game plays out during the course of several "months". The game is laid out where you do things during days, starting from your arrival on April 11th and basically ending on December 23rd. You do skip ahead after that to March, but only if you get the True Ending.

Each day, you have several activities you can do. During every day but Sunday you attend school in the morning (and may or may not have an actual lesson), then you have the Afternoon to do something, followed by an Evening. During the Afternoon, Evening, and Sunday, you can hang out with your friends, do part time jobs, or visit the Midnight Channels World to progress the story.

Now you may think that hanging out with your friends and working would be pointless or boring, but in fact that was my favorite part of the game. By hanging out you build up Social Links with your friends. These links are directly connected to the various Persona types you can create. They are based on Tarot cards, so you have different links based on things like Strength, Fortune, Chariot, Justice, ect. As the Social Link ranks up, your friends learn more about themselves, and in the case of your party members, become more effective in combat. Also, the rank of a Social Link has a direct effect on Persona you create, granting the Persona Experience which gives it increased levels.

Sounds complicated? It is a bit. You see, the game puts a time limit on things. When a story event happens, you only get 15 days to complete the matching dungeon in the Midnight Channel. If you do not its Game Over. So you have to find a balance of training in the Midnight Channel, building your social links, and doing Part Time Jobs (which have social links attached to them). You also have to build up your social stats (Courage, Knowledge, Diligence, Understanding, and Expression) in order to progress things with your social inks.

To put it bluntly, I found it very difficult to max EVERY social link in one playthrough. I got a great deal of em (all my party members save Kanji) but not all of em.

Combat is very interesting as well. You have 4 party members, and unlike Person 3 you can actually control all 4 if you choose. Each person has a single "Persona" which grants them abilities, and also dictates their combat abilities, strengths, and weaknesses. The main character however can eventually have up to 12 Persona stored with them, and is able to switch out to a different one each turn in combat if he so chooses. This allows for tactical planning, as Elemental Weaknesses play a huge role in combat. If you hit an enemies weakness, you get a ONE MORE action, and get another turn, and the enemy is knocked down. If your social links are high enough this can also trigger a special attack from a party member, but you lose your free turn. All party members can trigger ONE MORE...but so can enemies. And for the most part, the enemies are smart enough to hit party members with things they are weak against if they can. If you manage to knock down all the enemies before they have had a chance to stang, you can do an All Out Attack, inflicting massive physical damage. The combat is very rewarding in its gameplay, and encourages thinking instead of just mashing attack.

Now, no game is without flaws (or if there is one, I have yet to play it) and Persona 4 is no different.

My main complaints are the music, and the lack of explorable areas.

You see, you spend ALL your time in Inaba, and the Midnight Channel. However, you dont actually walk around Inaba, but instead walk around specific areas. I can even list them off:

1. School
2. Shopping District
3. Junes
4. River (Flood Plain)
5. Dojima Household

Each of those areas have a few other areas inside of them. The school has for example roughly 6 maps, the Shopping district and River 2 maps, Junes is 1, and your house is 1. Beyond the Dungeons in the Midnight Channel (There are roughly 8) that brings up the total explorable areas to 20. Thats it. And for most of those the music never changes. Let me tell you something. After 67 hours of gameplay, I have had my fill of the never changing music. Its nice, at first, but after a while it made me want to kill someone.

The battle music is the biggest offender here. Its too...happy! You are supposed to be fighting horrible demonic shadow creatures, and you get peppy and cheerful music while doing it. Its jarring. And lets not forget your "Support" character, whose sole job is to cheer you on or encourage you. Yes, there is a character who never fights, but instead just says things "Your soooo cool Senpai!" and "Oh no! Chie got knocked down" nearly every round. I ended up playing the last 10 hours of the game muted, since I was so sick and tired of it. My wife was so happy when I finally beat the game as well, because she would never have to hear the music again.

Overall, Persona 4 is a solid JRPG blended with a Simulator. Its not for everyone though, as it is very japanese in its presentation. If you want to try something different, with a deep engaging combat and a very engrossing and character driven story, then I would seriously suggest giving Persona 4 a try. mindful of the music. Oh and Teddie. You will want to kill him.


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Game Preview: Bastion (Xbox Live Arcade, PC)

A game that has only recently caught my attention is an upcoming Action RPG, made by a group called Super Giant Games, called Bastion. I found out about this game thanks to the guys over at Normal Boots, specifically the Indie Games Searchlight series. It was only a flash during the latest video (Frogetta and Friends), but I was interested. The art style and name just said....AWESOME.

So like any good gaming nerd interested in something, I turned to Google.

I found the website and was instantly interested in the offical trailer.

Pretty spiffy looking isn't it! From what I have been able to dig up, this game focuses on the journey of our hero, called simply "The Kid". He is one of the last survivors of something called The Cataclysm, where the world was sundered and broken up into floating landmasses. At the start of his journey he is off to "The Bastion", a location that everyone agreed to meet up after the event. Once you reach the Bastion, you then begin the process of rebuilding the world.

I was also able to find this handy dandy and spiffy "Hands On" video from Giant Bomb:

The Narrator by the way is not Ron Perlman, thats already been debunked!

Suffice to say this game looks awesome, and I am really excited about it. I love my Action RPGs, and this art direction is something I really like. I also find the way the world builds itself as you move along interesting as well (will this create randomly generated levels I wonder!) and from what has been said we will find upgrades to the various weapons.

Overall this game looks very solid, and as of today Supergiant released a very open release date, of Summer 2011 for the Xbox Live Arcade version of the game. No word on pricing yet though. Once it comes out I know I will be picking it up and reviewing it.

Hope it plays as good as it looks, and if the quality of this game, based on the previews thus far, is any indication of the skill of this new Indie studio, I believe we can expect great things from them.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Welcome to the Jungle!

Hello everyone! Welcome to "Press Start to Join", the newest of Interwebs review sites. What makes us special here? Well, I am here for one, and I am pretty darn special (ego? NAWWWWW). In reality, what makes me special is my brutually honest reviews, and my no-nonsense style. If something sucks, I am gonna say it sucks. If something rocks, I will say it rocks. Does that make my the end all be of reviewers?

Not at all.

In fact, I am a single voice here in the ocean that is the internet. I hope that you will come here to find interest reviews of games, books, movies, and other nerdy things. Mostly games though.

And if you want to contribute, just let me know! If you have something you have reviewed and want to share it here, just let me know, and I will be happy to share it, as long as its honest and detailed.

So, Welcome to the Jungle as it were.

We will have fun and games...
